Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Email and the Internet ...The Corporate Double-Edged Sword!

Email is to process what the internet is to information and business Too Much!

On any given day when I start work, I can look forward to my morning ritual of sifting through one or 500 email spams I get due to my e-address being harvested from articles I write that find their way out onto the net. Most of the spam I receive are from caring individuals genuinely concerned about helping me with a serious problem I didnt even know I had I think you know what I mean.

To be fair, I should point out that surprisingly, my wife also receives similar emails from people just as concerned about her appendage [one she and I have yet to locate] but one, nonetheless, our internet friends are quite convinced they can help her improve-upon if and when we ever find it!

People from Nigeria too, it seems, really need my help. Its true! They sound so regal, being that approximately 110% of them are members of real Nigerian royalty and all. And I believe them! They say they want to give me money. How nice. In their unmitigated benevolence rivaled, Im sure, only by that of Mother Teresas - they want to put one or [insert Mike Meyers Dr Evil accent here] four-hundred-million-dollars give or take, - into my personal bank account for a price of course. And there are women, each morning, I dont know and have never met who feel the need to E-communicate with me using opening lines like Hello my dearest darling where were they when I was dating?

Its not that I dont have adequate spam protection software to filter out the three legitimate emails I wanted to receive from the hundreds obsessed with my ability toah maintain I do. The problem however, is simply that anti-spam software needs ongoing education and re-education, but even with that, often legitimate email inadvertently falls into the Spam or Spam Suspects folder requiring people like me, with absolutely no problem at all - honestly! - to take the valuable time to go through all the spam. What a pain.

Everyone knows how frustrating and how much time is wasted in our lives everyday dealing with unwanted emails, never mind the vigilance required to ensure we do not make the dreaded mistake of opening that one email, perhaps the one that appears so benign and legit - Hello my dearest darling comes to mind - but is neither. The virus or worm I'm talking about is malevolent and infectious. And that is when the real waste of time begins, sometimes lasting for days, as you scramble to rehabilitate your computer, if, in fact, that option still even exists. Sometimes it does not and data is lost forever!

Like it or not, email and the internet have changed us and at times, they are no friend to business. Email has become the medium of choice for avoiding simple human interactivity. Inside the office, now vast amounts of information is sent and received by way of e-blasts that require no human-to-human contact but nevertheless, demands no small price in wasted productivity, time and profitability by workers, required to view and/or even respond to them. For example, is there someone in your office [more often in management] who, despite their sincere altruistic intentions, nonetheless, waste so much valuable corporate time because they feel compelled to share motivational stories, sayings and pictures they come across, with the rest of the company? Nearly ever office has one. Get back to work!

It is true, if you are not at your desk, the boss assumes you are not working. On the other hand, plunking away at your keyboard is not quite so obvious, is it? Think about how much corporate time is wasted these days by employees who believe they are masters at multi-tasking. You know who they are. They surf the net, send copious personal emails both in and outside the company on company time in addition to the text-messageing and ongoing MSN chats that sit open all day on their desktop, beside the work the company is paying them good money to get done. Sadly, there is nothing funny about that.

If you are still sitting on the fence about the seriousness of this issue, here are some interesting, recent stats to consider:

Internet Usage Statistics Workplace Source:

More than 60% of companies have disciplined - and more than 30% have terminated - employees for inappropriate use of the Internet. (Source: The Center for Internet Studies)

27% of Fortune 500 companies have battled sexual harassment claims stemming from employee misuse and abuse of corporate e-mail and Internet systems. (Source: American Management Association)

70% of employees admit to viewing or sending adult-oriented personal e-mail at work. (Source: NFO Worldwide)

One research firm, International Data, estimates the 30 to 40% of employee Internet use is not work related. (Source: International Data Corp.)

Dow Chemical Co. fired 50 employees and disciplined 200 others after an e-mail investigation turned up hard-core pornography and violent subject matter. (Source: Associated Press)

25% of employees said they spent 10 to 30 minutes a day surfing non-related work sites, 22%, said they spent 30 minutes to an hour, 12% said they spent one to two hours online, while 13% admitted to spending more than two hours a day. (Source:

Of more than 3,400 executives surveyed, 64.1 percent said that their companies have a formal office policy in place to help manage employee use of the Internet. (Source: Management Recruiters International)

37% of employees report that they search for jobs, 45% make travel arrangements, and 11% play online games while at work. (Source:

46% of online holiday shopping is happening at work. (Source: Nielsen//NetRatings)

Bottom Line:

Long after the humor subsides from emails that imbue circumspection for ones athletic performance or lack thereof and - long before that Nigerian cheque ever arrives in the mail, the gravity of the potential dangers email and the internet bring to bear on business, must be taken seriously. The fact is, the internet is a double edged sword. One side cuts though the competitive forces helping companies realize success, profitability and peak performance.The other, has the potential to cut a company right off at its knees. On a lighter note, as sure as you can be that Bill Gates is not going to send you five bucks, you can take what Im saying, to the bank just not a Nigerian one! lol


Paul Shearstone is an International Keynote Speaker and Author. He specializes in Motivation, Selling and corporate Resilience Training. For more information on Pauls keynotes and seminars, or to invite him to speak at your next successful event, we invite you to contact him directly:Barbara Anne Blog45346
Carri Blog71868

Spyware - The Main Hurdle Of An Efficient System.

Do not misunderstand when you read that Spyware is not malicious software. The name itself explains the motives of the program. Remove any trace of Spyware by running anti-Spyware on your system regularly. These include free Spyware Adware removal tools such as Microsoft free Spyware Adware removal utility and Yahoo Spyware removal tools.

Spyware is the main hurdle of any efficient system. Just as any other virus that may infect your system there are any number of sites that promote some product or service on the Internet and may have let loose a few Spyware programs that covertly download themselves onto your PC. Then they begin to operate in the background of the operating system unknown to the operator that this Spyware is observing every entry made through the keyboard and pointing device.

Such Spyware take up a lot of the processor time by overriding the IRQ settings of the peripheral devices and 'hijacking' the system in order to buy time to operate. This Spyware can be removed with the help of anti Spyware programs and safeguard the system from inadvertently giving out personal data. The entries in the registry can be removed with the help of the many free Spyware Adware removal tools such as Microsoft free Spyware Adware removal utility and Yahoo Spyware removal tools.

Why The Registry Slows Down A System

As the registry gets older with constant use, it gets updated every time there is a change in the system. This change may be some program that has been added to or removed from the system or some hardware that has been added or removed. The registry updates its records with the change. However, not all the registry entries may be deleted when a program or hardware device is uninstalled. So, when a program requests the registry for some information the registry starts searching from the beginning of the database. It will go through all the entries one by one.

This will include all the redundant entries, which may be tens of thousands in number

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comCarolann Blog46461
Brynne Blog68187

A Work In Context - The Paradigm

A paradigm has been described as A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them.

Each writer comes at their work with a certain paradigm at work. Each writer will write with a set of assumptions about the world around them, they will subconsciously include concepts and values they find imperative. In the broadest perspective possible each writer will express their worldview in some form or fashion through what they write. This may not happen in every piece, however when the entire body of work is evaluated carefully it becomes clear what the author truly believes to be true, noble and right.

In the realm of writing this concept is known as Context. This means that the author of any work lodges certain absolutes in virtually all areas of story construction. The story may include the writers philosophy of politics or their view of religion.

A strong example of this was The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. While the story is fictional, Mr. Brown confirms that he believes much of what he wrote to be true. Many have appreciated the storytelling ability of Dan Brown, but have a hard time accepting the context and assumptions of his work.

As a writer of faith it is quite likely the core values you possess will show up in ways both intentional and unplanned. J.R.R. Tolkien made a point of saying that his faith was not the intended context of his storytelling. Yet, the pages of the Lord of the Rings trilogy were filled with Judeo Christian values and attributions to the power and sacrifice of God which are consistent with his personal faith. I would argue that this fiction writer could not write something that denied his internal paradigm.

Most fiction writers are not trying to proselytize, they simply present a story and in the process their belief system leaks onto the pages. Its to be expected.

From an historical perspective a look at world event at the time a classic literary work was published can assist us in learning the context of the work and the paradigm of the author.

World events and our personal response are a unique combination that affects the context of our writing. If we are struggling with certain local, region, national or even global issues we will likely find the context of our circumstances coupled with out beliefs will alter our writing and the assumptions we include.

For a serious student of literature an understanding of context can help decode a sense of the angst or joy the author was experiencing when writing their classic.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FaithWriters ( and many other web projects. FaithWriters has grown to become one of the largest online destinations for Christian writers. Please visit the website at: Blog11415
Candice Blog5827

Mass Transit & Gasoline Prices: Time to Go Public?

How do you get to work every day at the beginning of your shift? How do you get home? For many of us, our commute is a routine as unchanging as eating and sleeping. A large number of us get to work every day by driving a personal vehicle. We take it for granted that we are taking advantage of the most cost-efficient and satisfying means available to arrive promptly and ready to work.

But the swiftly rising price of gasoline should be an urgent stimulus to make us re-examine our commuting strategy. Across the U.S., the price for one gallon of regular-grade gasoline has risen from about $1.50 two years ago to today's $2.60, and it is uncertain that prices will level off any time soon, much less decline.

These realities prompt us to ask, does commuting by driving a personal vehicle up to five days a week provide us the best combination of cost, or time use, or life-style? Or should we seek a better solution?

Gasoline savings: compelling reason?

Many workers, including me, have opted to leave our vehicles safe at home and brave public transportation. Each of us has our own reasons. Now the price of gasoline gives us one more, and we find it fairly compelling.

In my own case, I live about 17 miles from work. My 1992 Mitsubishi gets about 24 mpg, which means that if I drove it to and from work, I would be spending about $17.70 a week just for the gas. Instead, I buy a monthly Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) pass and pay only $10.00 a week. By riding DART, I cut my transportation costs nearly in half! If I had to pay for parking, as many of you do, I would save even more.

Other reasons count for more

But wait, there's more! In fact, saving on gasoline is not the primary reason I decided to "go public" several years ago. I used to drive the congested freeways of Dallas to get to work; during rush hours it would take me 30 to 45 minutes. I had so many close calls--so many split-second swerves and jamming of the brakes--that I began to think that it was inevitable that I would be involved in an accident of some kind, maybe even a life-threatening one. Do you ever feel that oppressive sense of impending doom?

Now, I drive two miles to the DART station in my suburb and ride the light rail. I usually get off at the Pearl Street Station and take a good, 15-minute, fast walk from one end of downtown Dallas to the other, a distance of about a mile. There I catch a bus that takes me to within one block of my office, where I arrive almost exactly one hour after boarding the train. In the afternoon, I reverse the route, often walking up to half a mile before boarding the downtown-bound bus.

When I have the time and inclination, I walk farther. I disembark from the train at City Place, climb the two extremely long escalators from the train station 160-feet below the surface, and walk all the way to the office, three miles to the west. At the rate I climb, I step up 42 times on the lower escalator and about 57 on the upper one. Then it's another 42 steps up to the surface exit. Most of my hike to work is on Katy Trail, which skirts a string of parks along Turtle Creek. Katy Trail was recently extended to reach the American Airlines Center, which connects me to HI-Line, Turtle Creek Blvd., and the office. This fall, a walking trail is being constructed that will lead from Katy Trail right past my building along Turtle Creek.

The exercise I get regularly, enforced by being integrated into my commute routine, is my main reason for "going public." But almost as important is all of that ride time I get on the train and the bus. I can read at least 30 minutes each way. Do you have the opportunity for an hour of reading five days a week? I cannot begin to list all of the books I have read on my commute, but it is a long list.

What others say

Do other employees share my preference for public transportation? Melissa, a Chicago customer service representative does.

She says, "I take the train (the el green line) to work every day. I work a split shift, noon to 8 p.m. I live in Oak Park, Illinois (the first western suburb), eight miles from the office. From door to door it takes 20 minutes. During my commute I enjoy reading, people watching, and defusing if it was a hard day."

"The best thing about taking the train is the convenience of not having to worry about parking. [I avoid] the congestion of traffic, and with the high pay of gasoline, it is very cost efficient. And I am always guaranteed some exercise every day with the walk to and from the train. The worst thing about commuting is that sometimes the trains run late."

With commuter trains, light rail, subway, buses, and van pooling, Chicago seems to have one of the best public transportation systems in the country. But other cities are rapidly catching up. Detroit, however, lacks a light rail system, beyond its "PeopleMover" that makes a tight loop in downtown. According to an article The Detroit News ran on July 7, 2005, "The region is the largest in the nation without a comprehensive subway, commuter rail or high-speed bus network." Officials there, however, promise that this will change in years to come.

"Our public transportation system is terrible," says Nancy, a Detroit human resources assistant, "and we don't have a rapid transit system in the Metro Detroit area. I wish we did, but I guess this is the Motor City; they want to make sure we all buy cars."

Mark, a Detroit customer service rep, agrees. "There is no viable public transportation system in Detroit. We make cars."

Eddy is a manager who lives about 17 miles from his work just out of downtown Dallas. He says, "I think we should all ride public transportation at least once in a while to remind us how fortunate we are. That being said, I support anyones right to drive a car to work. As gas prices go up, I think we should figure out ways to reduce our dependency on oil products. One of the things I choose to do is to ride the bus periodically. I think I am fortunate because I live nearby to a transit station (1/2 mile) and can walk to and from it. Most people have to drive to a station.... I would like to see our company run a test to help fund riding public transportation (maybe buy half of a monthly pass or something like that)."

Security issues

Eddy acknowledges, "Because of our shift work, many of our people cant use public transportation." This sentiment is shared by a second-shift typesetter named Brandy. "Dallas has no good public transportation for me to use from North Richland Hills to my job, at the hours I work. I would have to take two buses, and as I work till 11 p.m. (at a minimum), the trains do not run. Also, being a female, I am not crazy about waiting outside on the corner at 11 p.m. at night for a bus to take me downtown, then another bus to the train station."

These are certainly valid concerns, and there are no easy solutions for our employees in Dallas. For other cities, however, especially Chicago and eventually Phoenix, where the rail station is in the immediate area of our office building, public transportation may be more viable even for second and third shifts. Several employees walking together would be a partial solution.

Safety concerns

Another issue for bus passengers is the lack of seat belts and shoulder belts. I have been in two bus accidents without injury, but one sudden stop sent me sailing four or five feet forward. I managed to grab a post and only received a minor bruise. Since then I have selected my bus seats carefully, opting for the three or four places where I am against something solid should the bus stop suddenly. Of course, I then have to worry about being the cushion for other people's landings. My seat of choice is right to the rear of the back door. Only one person is likely to slam into me there, and people seldom sit in that particular seat.

Not "going public"?

Other workers have their own reasons for avoiding public transportation. Violet, a Dallas sales support supervisor, says, "I only live seven or eight miles from work, and I always get to work in 15 minutes. My commute gives me time to myself, and I like that." Gwen, a Denver sales rep, uses her 36-mile drive to phone clients and return calls. "It also gives me time to reflect," she adds.

Roberta, a staff accountant at Dallas, has a 25-mile drive. She says she spends the 40- to 45-minute commute listening to Christian music. "It gives me time to switch gears from work mode to wife mode," she says.

Do your own analysis: Is now the time for you to "go public"?

Take a serious look at the variables of cost, time commitment, health factors, and available transportation. Your decision will probably depend on the priorities you have and the special situation that you alone best appreciate.

One consideration should probably be left out of your analysis: class status. As Eddy says, "I also think we have many, many people in America (and certainly at our company) who think they are too good to ride the bus or train. We need to realize that we are all just 'folks' when it comes right down to it and that the man or woman next to us in the bus are just regular people, no matter what they look like or what color they are."

Steve Singleton has been a book editor, newspaper reporter, news editor, and public relations consultant. He has taught college courses, seminars, and workshops in 11 states and the Caribbean. Currently he is a communications coordinator and corporate trainer for a large printing company.Brenda Blog81405
Angela Blog97741

Why Shoppers Use Internet Coupons?

Many people are desires to buy certain things or obtain certain pleasures from life. The fact is that only a small portion of people succeed in doing this. Many of them have to abstain from making unnecessary expenditures due to their mediocre financial condition. Our desires keep increasing even though they are limited by lack of adequate funds.

In order to boost their sales, most companies have introduced the concept of discount coupons. These coupons offer a discount of nearly 25 to 50% concessions on your purchase. With these coupons in hand, even a person making his living on undersized pay packets can also fulfill some of his desires.

In the earlier days, discount coupons were offered through newspapers, magazines, etc. however, these days; internet coupons have become very much popular. These are usually found on the websites of the companies. These require you to fill some personal information in order to obtain the discount coupon. The various advantages of online discount coupons are:

Unlike the coupons from magazine and newspapers which can be used only once, online coupons can be used any number of times.

Customers can download coupons easily from the company website and this increases the popularity of the company.

It is easier and cheaper to obtain discount coupons on the internet as you dont have to buy newspapers or magazines to get them.

These help the buyers to save a lot of money.

The advantage of using online discount coupons for the customers is that they can test a new product using coupons at the discounted rate.

With the reach of the internet expanding day after day, it is now the best method to reach out to your customers. Every second there is a customer searching for one product or the other on the internet. They are also looking for ways to minimize their expenditure and save some money. So by providing free online discount coupons, your product and your company will come into the view of the customer and hence your business flourishes. It is a very good way to increase your clientele. This is such a fun and innovative way to promote ones business. All the top retailers advertise savings for their customers online. Small businesses are finally grasping the concept.

So every company, new or old must provide online coupons so that its business increases and the customers also benefit from it.

Cathy Peterson writes about , and Blog54651
Cassandry Blog91750

Grout Coloring Made Easy

Before you attempt any grout coloring, you must acid wash the floor to prep it for the color to bond properly. Since you will be investing a few hours making your ceramic tile look beautiful, you don't want it to last a few months only to start chipping and fading. You can compare it to painting a car. First you sand, then primer and finally the paint. The same rules apply to the grout color, if you paint it without acid washing the floor, it simply will not last.

Here are some essential items you will need to perform the task at hand. Home Depot has a great selection of grout color, along with a color chart you can take home to get the desired color for your ceramic tile. Keep in mind that you will need more color if you are painting your grout a lighter color than it is now. If you are going darker than the grout, it will not take as much. The coverage area is clearly printed on the back of the grout color bottle.

Grout Color
Masking Tape
Butter Bowl Lid
Kid's Toothbrush
White Terry Cloths
Scouring Pads
Dust Pan

Make sure your measure the floor before applying grout color, so you know how much colorant to buy. Always buy more than you need so you won't have to make a second trip. Estimate 20% over the sq. ft. coverage. If your grout is brown and you want to paint it white, you will probably have to apply two coats, so keep this in mind when purchasing the coloring.

After you acid wash the floor, you will need to wait 24 hours before applying the colorant. There can be absolutely no moisture on the grout lines, since the paint also contains a sealer that helps bond the color. Also, you may want to tape off all baseboards to avoid getting any paint on them. Important note: Wait 5 to 7 days after painting your grout lines to mop your floor. Do not use any harsh detergents, 4 oz. of vinegar for every gallon of water will work fine.

Shake your paint vigorously for 30 seconds to make sure the sealer and the paint mix well. Pour some of the contents on your butter bowl lid and dip your toothbrush lightly in the paint and begin painting the grout lines starting at the wall working your way backwards. You will have to paint both the vertical and horizontal lines together, so you don't walk back over any fresh paint. Make sure you apply the paint evenly, not using too much or too little. You will get a good feel for it after you have painted a few lines. Do not worry about being perfect, you will get some paint on the tile, this is normal. After you have painted 50 to 75 sq. ft. you will need to stop and clean the tile that has accumulated on the tile before it dries.

Make sure you have been painting at least 30 minutes, so the paint will not be removed from the grout lines when you wipe it with a wet towel. Wet a terry cloth and wring out some of the excess water, so it is not dripping. Wipe the edge of the ceramic tile just outside the grout line as shown in picture. If you notice the paint is not coming off very easy, you can place a scouring pad underneath the wet cloth and place your palm on top of the scouring pad, scrubbing in a circular motion until the excess paint is removed. Repeat this process on the next 50 to 75 sq. ft. of tile until the job is finished.

Bobby Walker is a 14 year cleaning industry veteran who owns and operates Carpet Cleaning of Dallas, a carpet, tile and upholstery restoration company. He is also a webmaster for 4 websites, including 2 do it yourself sites. His passion for helping people has been his motivating factor for his love of the service industry.Catrina Blog83352
Carolyn Blog16175

Using The Internet To Make You Money

The internet is one of the most important and easiest-to-use tools of our time. Using the internet wisely can help you save time and money.

But what if I cant afford the internet at home?

You can always access the internet from your public library, your school library, or a friends house. If you plan to spend long hours on the internet, consider going to the local college to use their computer lab. Some computer labs are password protected, and others arent.

You could also choose a cheaper connection. Many of the premium internet connections are overpriced. You can get a mid-speed connection for very reasonable rates.


You can use the internet to research everything. You can research if you are being paid enough at your current job. If you find that you are being underpaid for the market, you could possibly ask for a raise, bringing with you up-to-date proof that your skills are a more valuable asset than the company admits.

If you are starting out with something that you are not that familiar with (for instance, getting a loan), you will want to find websites with information that can help you on your way. Gaining information will save you time, because you will know what you are looking for. As you know from finding this article, there are articles on almost any topic on the internet. The more you know, the better deals you will be able to achieve.

Shop Around

It used to be that shopping around was a time consuming (and gas consuming) event. Now, you can determine what store you want to visit at the click of a mouse. Before you make any major purchase, you will definitely want to use the internet to research your options. You can compare major brand prices on the internet. Check out the different home pages for varying information, for instance, on cell phones.

Oftentimes there are consumer guides available online that will help you with your comparisons. You can read reviews of products by other consumers. You can find out things that the salesperson isnt likely to tell you. Third party comparative sites can be very helpful for you in framing your research.

Even if you are not buying something tangible, like a car, the internet can help you decide. The internet will have current investment rates for all the major banks, and it will have rates for other items like insurance.

The internet not only allows you the opportunity to compare different prices, often there are online comparison calculators. Use these calculators to your benefit, but always get a second opinion.

Buy Online

Just because you have researched your purchase online doesnt mean that you have to buy it online. However, you might consider making a major purchase online if you trust the seller and the price is right. Often, shopping sites like eBay or Overstock can help you find better deals than you would in stores.

Websites like Indigo or Staples often offer the same items they do in their store. However, they might have bargain deals on their sites that are not available in-store.

Remember: when you are making an online purchase, you need to take into account the shipping costs and taxes. These can often make what seems like a great deal online into an unwise purchase. You should be able to easily find out the shipping costs, or else dont buy the item.

Buy Electronic

Sometimes the items that you buy online will be electronic. It will cost you less to buy an Antivirus program that you simply download, than to buy the equivalent CD. Would you rather download an album or buy it at the store? Do you prefer e-books or books? Would you rather read your morning paper online? Consider electronic alternatives for your purchases to save you time and money: these purchases are often just a click away.

Also: if you dont mind reading e-books, you can check out many free books online (from Project Gutenberg) whose copyrights have expired. Read the classics for no cost.

Make Money Online

Use the internet to make you money, not just save you money! You can use the internet to advertise for your company, or to post upcoming events. You might even consider working for an internet-based company. If you feel entrepreneurial, you can start an eBay store and make money that way. There are many guides on how to make money using the internet. Just be sure not to buy into any scams.


When you are researching anything on the internet, you need to judge the validity of the source you use. Three of the major points for judging sources are content, currency, and respectability. Is the sites content what you expect, or is it reasonable? Is the site current? There is not use looking at pages from 1998 because those prices will be out of date. Is the site reputable? Is it a site that you have heard of, or is it affiliated with a company you have heard of? The site might even be written by someone you know. Before taking anything on the internet as gospel, ask yourself these three questions to judge the validity of the site you are viewing.

Do not make online purchases unless you feel comfortable. If you dont feel comfortable using your credit card online, then dont. Make sure that you only give your information to websites that you trust.

If the old adage time is money holds true, watch that you dont spend all of your time on the internet. You dont want to waste your valuable time that you can spend in other ways, though investing a little bit of time online often pays off in many ways.

Although you have to be wise when you use the internet, the internet is a valuable tool that can help you on your path to financial success! Happy Surfing!
Morgan James is the editor of Check out the guide to loans for more information on how to save money, how to get money, and how to find financial satisfaction.Anderea Blog18683
Alison Blog24197

Fun Careers With An Information Technology Degree

Are you a technology junkie? Do you have all of the newest gizmos and the most modern cell phone? Do you shake with excitement and anticipation every time a new game system is released? Are you the one your friends call when they have problems with their new laptops? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is time put your love of technology into a fun and rewarding career. Don't you think it's time you received an information technology degree?

An information technology degree will give you the opportunity to turn your hobby into an exciting career. Computer programming, network security, and network engineering are just the tip of the IT iceberg. With an associate's degree in information technology, a successful, not to mention fun filled, future is practically guaranteed.

So what are your options? Your career selection is almost limitless. There is an IT job for all individuals who want to have a fun career, as well as earn a substantial living.

The career title Webmaster has a nice ring to it. The Internet is hotter than ever. Everyone wants to be online. Whether you own a small business, such as a pet boutique, looking to expand your clientele by advertising your unique wares online, or a huge international non profit association seeking to explain your mission statement in order to solicit more donations from the tech savvy crowd, you need a web site.

As a Webmaster, you will always be in demand. This is why an information technology degree will guarantee you a gratifying career. It's really that simple. With an IT degree as an Internet Webmaster, you will be qualified to build, fix, and expand sites on the Web.

Graphic designers are artists who use mostly computer technology to design marketing materials, magazine layouts, websites, logos for businesses, and much more. So, as long as there are magazines, newspapers and web sites, graphic designers will be in demand. In fact, according to some researches, graphic designers are among the five design professionals that are anticipated to have the newest positions available through 2014.

Some individuals are employed as graphic designers after receiving their bachelor's degree, but to receive the best paying, more technical jobs, an information technology degree is necessary. By attending a school that offers an IT track, you will receive all of the software certification necessary to become proficient graphic designer.

Do you love playing video games? Why not use your imagination and skills to create your own games? With an IT associate's degree you could concentrate on designing your own video games. When you choose this field, your will be offered a well rounded curriculum that teaches the basics of artist design, project management, digital content creation as well as the more advanced courses in 3D modeling and character design. Imagine playing video games as a career. It is definitely possible when you assert yourself and earn your IT degree.

As fun and exciting as all of these fields of information technology are, earning your degree is hard work. You need to be dedicated to the world of IT because there are always going to be other people fighting for the same jobs you will be striving for. However, the IT world is expanding daily, and more and more jobs are becoming available. Be a part of the web and earn your information technology degree today.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT program that is right for you.Aubry Blog20536
Arleyne Blog81090

How A Home Equity Line Of Credit Can Help Your Finances

A home equity line of credit unlocks your homes value so it can work for you. Owning your home can provide you with a financial resource that can help you with your financial needs.

Since equity is the value of your home minus the remaining mortgage outstanding, you may be sitting on the cash that you can use to improve your financial situation, renovate your home or go on that vacation youve always dreamed of.

Why Would You Want a Home Equity Line of Credit?

A line of credit is not like a typical loan which provides a lump sum of money to you and then begins charging you interest at a fixed rate until repaid. Instead, it acts like revolving credit (much like your credit card). You only use as much or as little as you want and you only pay interest on the amount you have used. Also, like a credit card, when the debt is repaid you still have access to the credit. In contrast, with a typical loan, you would be paying interest on the full amount of the loan. And when a loan is paid off, you no longer have that credit available to you you would have to reapply for a new loan.

The main feature of a home equity line of credit is providing you greater flexibility at accessing credit with the least cost. Not only can you access the credit only as you need it, but your monthly payments reflect only the balance you used. So the less you use of it, the lower your payment. Some lines of credit require you to only the interest as the minimum payment. This feature can be helpful when finances are tight. (Be careful, it takes discipline not to use this feature to fuel spending habits).

A home equity line of credit is great when you don't have a large fixed amount to spend in one place. While you can find many uses for your line of credit, here are some more common reasons for obtaining a home equity line of credit.

Consolidate Debt

One of the more important uses for your home equity line of credit is to consolidate debt. You can eliminate the stress of multiple bills and also receive a more favorable interest rate or tax benefit.

Second Mortgage

You may come across a time when you find your mortgage interest rate higher than your home equity line of credits interest rate. If that is the case, then using your line of credit to pay off the existing mortgage for better interest rates makes sense.

Home Renovations, Additions

You may use your line of credit for renovating or building that new addition to your home. You pay less interest than you would if you used a credit card and that makes it a wise financial choice.

When Should You Not Use a Home Equity Line of Credit?

Before making hasty decisions with your new found money source, its important to evaluate the additional risk.

Some debts have features that you may not be entitled to if you switch them to an equity line of credit. A perfect example is your student loans. They are subject to special conditions that if changed by you, can cost you. You need to check into your student loan terms and conditions before considering moving them.

With the feature to pay only the interest you may lack the motivation to pay off the debt and end up paying only the interest for a long time. When this happens, you end up owing for items that have lost their value over time. It makes more financial sense to avoid using your line of credit to buy items that depreciate and focus on items that will increase in value overt time. Also, make plans to pay off the debt quickly for the most advantage.

Lines of credit take advantage of current low interest rates which means they are subject to fluctuating interest rates. If you need larger financing that will take a long time to pay off, you may find that regular loans protect you better. A fixed rate loan can provide piece of mind knowing that your monthly payments are not going to increase as interest rates go up.

Using your finances wisely can give you great relief and freedom. Before taking on any financial obligations it is important to understand the risks as well as the benefits.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides information and solutions.Brunhilde Blog78443
Cathleen Blog11928

Know What a Residential Lease Form is Before You Sign

The residential lease agreement form is a formal legal contract, and is used in the lease of apartments and homes. Renting a home or apartment is not as easy as money being exchanged, you must first outline many factors and legally bind yourself to agreements made in the residential lease agreement. All parties must be involved in the contract, and are also binded to all the terms and conditions.

One of the most common residential lease agreement forms are called month-to-month rental agreements, these are for short-term or indefinite leases. The other most common for tenants who will be staying long-term for many years, called just Lease Agreement, this a much more comprehensive contract.

Not to long ago, residential lease agreements where only prepared by real estate agents and lawyers. For along time they enjoyed charging us a hefty fee, until websites like LegalFormsBank.Biz came forth with editable, downloadable, and printable versions of the document you could file yourself. Tenants and landlords flocked to the site downloading the form which caused sort of a revolution, a victory for the landlord, free from the strangle of real estate agents and lawyers grip in their pockets. Now days you just log onto one of the major legal document providers, and download an up-to-date form specifically for your local government and state.

Its really quite simple to fill out a residential lease agreement form, the main information it need is:

1.) Specify the policy on pets and parking;
2.) You must describe the lease premises;
3.) Specify the period of occupancy;
4.) Set the rent amount;
5.) Specify the date the lease will begin;
6.) Specify the security deposit amount and terms for its return;
7.) The name of up to four tenants and two landlords;
8.) Designate who is responsible for the utilities;

One last note for landlords, and some information tenants should be aware of. If the dwelling was built prior to 1978, your lease agreement will need a Lead Based Disclosure statement required under the Federal Lead Disclosure Act. Landlords also need to provide EPA certified information regarding lead based paint controlling and identifying them, which I found here .

Nicholas Fagan is the proud to be an author of providing information for legal do-it-yourselfers. We provide your state specific, do-it-yourself, Residential Lease Form for only $7.95 - Blog26164
Ailina Blog89038

Baby Monitors Give Parents Peace Of Mind

Years ago, parents kept track of their babies by waiting for them to cry out and then checking on them. At one time, it was even advised by the experts not to check in too often, but to stick to a rigid schedule. Times have certainly changed. Now days there are monitors which will let parents listen in to the babys room so they will know if he is awake or asleep. They can also utilize a video monitor to keep the baby in sight while he is in his crib. They can even set up the monitors to spy on the babysitter.

It is no wonder baby monitors are so popular. They are actually quite handy devices. Now a mother can put the baby to sleep in a room upstairs and go about her day downstairs or outside and still be able to listen in on the baby to know when he wakes up or starts to cry.

The baby monitor is a simple device and is inexpensive and has become a common piece of baby equipment just like a changing table and stroller. A baby monitor has a one way speaker that lets parents listen in to their babys room so they can hear all his sounds from anywhere in the house. It definitely gives new parents peace of mind and saves many trips sneaking a peak at the baby to make sure he is still in the crib and okay.

In addition to the audible baby monitor, parents can also choose to install a baby cam. This will allow them to watch video of the sleeping child. They can even set up the baby cam to watch the babysitter take care of their baby, and keep an eye on the cam while at work or anywhere there is a computer connection. Some of the baby cams are so small, the babysitter would have no idea she was being watched.

Another type of alarm will emit a sound when the baby makes a noise. This type of baby monitor is handy if the parents are taking a nap or sleeping at night and are afraid they will not hear the baby cry.

There are even high tech medical alarms for newborn babies that sound an alarm when the baby stops breathing. This type of alarm is used for babies that are at risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or who have had incidences of apnea (cessation of breathing) in the hospital. Apnea is not uncommon in certain medical conditions or if the baby was born very prematurely. An apnea baby monitor is connected to the babys chest and when the movement stops, then the unit will sound an alarm and the parents, or the nurse, simply jiggle the baby until he starts breathing again. Newborn babies would have to remain in the hospital for much longer periods of time if it werent for the availability of apnea monitors.

The baby monitor in all it various styles and applications serves a very useful purpose in monitoring the baby and giving parents peace of mind. Parents of years gone by might just shake their heads at such baby monitoring technology, and advise parents not to worry so much about their sleeping bundle of joy because when he wakes up, he will definitely let everyone in the house know he needs some attention.

Anne Morris is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at and Blog86197
Agna Blog47576

Website Hosting - How to Select a Good Company

Trying to select a hosting package is much like purchasing a new carthere are many different types and ways to go, but in the end it really boils down to how you are going to get where you want to be and the features youll need to get there. You certainly would not buy a Honda Civic to make an off-road journey across the Mohave Desert. Nor would it make sense to buy a Hummer to just drive around town.

So in considering the type of hosting package and company to host your website, you should first assess where you want your website to go and what youll need to get there.

But first, lets understand what web hosting is exactly, and the many different features that need to be considered.

The Internet is a vast network of interconnected computer servers which house or host various pages of information, called websites. Hosting a website means to store and maintain a computer folder of various web pages. Hosting companies offer this service by providing computer hardware and software services. These services vary as much as cars do.

Some very important hosting features that should be a must for your hosting package, much like the importance of having a car with a motor and wheels, are the following:

* Security Protection from Internet hackers.
* Space Ability to grow my site without size constraints.
* Speed How fast my website will load onto visitors computers.
* Up Time Dependability of the hosting servers from crashing.
* Back Up Protection from loss of data from my website.
* Support 24 hours support to handle problems.
* Administrative Tools For making changes to your site.
* Email The number and size of email accounts.
* Hosting Company History and track record for support.
* Search Engine Submissions Submitting to the major search engines.

Now, lets consider where you want your website to go and what youll need to get there. Some questions to ask:

* Do I want my customers to be able to look up information on my website? If so, youll need a database driven website with a hosting company that supports it.
* Do I want movement on my website? If so, youll need a web design company that can program flash for your site, as well as the ability to host the flash program.
* What type and how much email traffic will I anticipate? This helps to determine the size and amount of storage youll need for your hosted website.
* How many web pages will I need? This also helps to determine the size of space needed for your hosting package.
* Will I want to make ongoing custom changes to my website? If so, youll need a hosting company that supports ongoing custom design changes.
* Will my website have a lot of images and movement? If so, youll need additional space for larger web files for these functions.
* Do I want Internet Traffic to my Website? In order to receive traffic to your website, your hosting company needs to offer this service, or youll need to hire a third party for this service.
* Will I need Internet marketing help and consultation? In this fast-changing Internet world, it is important to have professional help and consultation.

The Better Business Bureau offers this advice:

Choosing a Web Hosting Service for your Business Web Site. Is your business web site down again? Does it seem to have more downtime than uptime? You may want to consider changing your web hosting service. One of the most important decisions you will make for your business web site is selecting which web hosting service will display your web pages to the Internet. Choosing the right Internet Service Provider (ISP) to host your business's web site may feel like finding the right day-care center for your kids these days: Are they reliable? Will they be there next month? Do they know what they are doing? What services do they provide?"

Basically, it is important to find the right hosting company that will partner with you for all your hosting, design and consultation needs. The cheapest hosting is typically not the best route to go. Its cheap because it is a bare bones package, with little, if any support. That is a sure way to online business failure.

Brad Stone is CEO of Heritage Web Solutions, a USA Based Company, specializing in Designing and Hosting Affordable Websites for Small and Medium Size Businesses. With a staff of over 160 employees, Heritage Web Solutions has grown to a multi-million-dollar company in just 4 years, achieving a Top 1% National Ranking as reported by WebHosting.Info. For more information, call 866-754-1474, or visit Blog7775
Antoinette Blog3184

Show Your Appreciation with Thank You Gift Baskets

Have you ever expressed your gratitude through thank you gift baskets? Every time someone did anything special for me, I often show my appreciation by giving them these gifts. I create these baskets myself and I often incorporate things that the recipients like on the design. They are also available on the market, but people would appreciate homemade thank you gift baskets more than pre-made ones.

I recently made two thank you gift baskets for people who have done some special things for my family. I have a next door neighbor who has an adorable six-year-old son and she is always bringing over his old toys for my younger son. Some of these toys were expensive, like the childrens keyboard and wooden puzzles, and I wanted to thank her for her kindness.

Since her son has everything his heart desires, it is practically impossible to buy him a toy. He owns a lot of them and buying more would only clutter the house and he doesnt even play with half of what he already has. I decided that it would be appropriate if I create one of my thank you gift baskets for the woman who has been generous to my son.

My next door neighbors favorite activity is drinking. She drinks a lot and would always talk about the new cocktails she mixes in the kitchen. I realized that one of those thank you gift baskets filled with coffee, tea, or sweets wouldnt suit her. I decided to make her a custom made basket filled with liquor. She was overjoyed with my gift and she responded by making pomegranate martinis that night using the vodka from her basket, and then she invited me and my husband over to drink with her.

Giving thank you gift baskets is a perfect way to let someone know you appreciate them without buying them a silly trinket they may not like. Ive created different kinds of thank you gift baskets filled with stuffed animals, fruits, coffee products, and booze, depending on the recipients taste. The only drawback is that gift baskets can be expensive especially if you overdo them. Try to use your imagination to create a charming yet inexpensive present.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Thank You Gift Baskets. Get more information here at Blog47576
Ardys Blog94507

Things to Do When You're Single in Chicago

So you say you're single in Chicago? What are you going to do about it?

First things first. You have to find someone else who happens to be single in Chicago, and you have to be willing to take the steps to meet them and take them out into the town to experience everything the Chicago dating scene has to offer.

This is possibly the most important step, though, admittedly, one of the more difficult. There are more than a million singles in Chicago, so how do you find the right one?

Modern times call for modern solutions, and the Chicago online dating community is one of the best in the country. And online dating sites that offer compatibility profiles are one of the best ways to weed out the incompatibles and make the most of your time as a single in Chicago.

Now, once you've found the right person, it's time to try something new and unique. With so many opportunities in Chicago, there's no reason to let yourself get bogged down in the old standby dinner and a movie. When you're single in Chicago you have a very singular opportunity to experience activities, music, cuisine and a world of other possibilities that singles in other cities will never know.

You can begin your day at Millennium Park, take the time to go strolling through the landscape or pack up a blanket and food for a wonder picnic. If you're looking for something a little more active, head over to Navy Pier where you can experience everything from riding on a giant ferris wheel to watching a performance by a Shakespeare Troupe. Still not what you're looking for? Then take a day and mingle with the tourists at the Sears Tower. This is something that Chicago singles often pass up because it's seen as too touristy, but the view of Chicago can only really be appreciated 110 stories up. It's a great way to get the date started off right.

If these activities aren't quite your thing, consider the Chicago sports scene. Chicago is populated by some of the most loyal sports fans in the country, and if you can find someone who is single in Chicago and also loves the Bears/Bulls/Cubs/etc, the an athletically themed date may be perfect for you.

Chicago is known for some great cuisine, but often we can fall prey to complacency and routine, and always wind up at the same places over and over again. Take some time to find a new and romantic place and start creating some truly memorable dating memories. Whether at Geha's Fondue or Emperor's Choice for some Chinese food, you can find new dining experiences in Chicago.

But if what you really need is to hit the dance floor with your favorite Chicago dance partner, then this town can provide. When you're single in Chicago you can spend your evenings surrounded by 800 other people at the Crobar or experience a wide range of music at Sonotheque. There's something in this town for everyone, from techno lovers to Country swingers.

So here's the real question: With so much to do in Chicago, why would you waste your time with the mundane and standardized dates? We often do it because it's simple, quick, and fairly cheap. And While we know it won't be all that impressive of a date, we also know that it probably won't fail miserably either. Rather than try something new, where our plans may crash and burn, we opt for the safe option, where our plans can wallow in the shallow waters of routine. But maybe it's time to take advantage of your time as a single in Chicago and start making your dating life something spectacular.

Andy Eliason is a writer at Main10. If you're single in Chicago and looking for more things to do in Chicago, visit Blog74797
Celia Blog44648

Patience As They Say Is a Virtue

It is redundant indeed, clich even, but what more can an individual plagued with a disability have but to have faith with the only hope that it has left. As the ordinary parlance goes, beggars cannot be choosers. Hence, they have no choice but to accept what is available to alleviate from the suffering they are experiencing, even if it takes relying on the benefits afforded by the Social Security Disability Program.

It is an epic battle, one involving the degrading condition of the claimant, on one hand, and the bureaucratic process that plagues the Social Security Disability Program, on the other. Sad part is that the claimant has no choice, but to suffer the consequences of both before a favorable settlement may be given his way.

This has been the underlying critique on the Social Security Disability Program since time immemorial, that is, although it has laudable, and novel purpose, it is defeated by the fact that the program has been plagued with irregularities making the benefits it is suppose to give already moot and academic. The extension of relief to the disabled claimant usually takes a minimum period of three years, hence, if this scenario would be applied to a claimant that has been plagued with a fatal disease, then he would have been long gone before his claims are given proper recourse.

To make matters even worse, there is no guaranty that after the lapse of the said period, an affirmative resolution in favor of the claimant could be had. It is usually the case that because of the clogged dockets of the Social Security Administration, those claims that do not have sufficient evidence to support them are actually denied. After denial, it is now dependent on the claimant whether or not to file an appeal. Experience standing as a witness actually shows that the lapse of time from the point the claim was filed to its initial resolution already operates as a deterrent to filing an appeal to a denied application.

In this situation, the services of Social Security Law Attorneys are essential. With their participation in your case, factors such as bureaucracy and the endless time of wait could actually be avoided. Social Security Law Attorneys understand where you are coming from, and would zealously fight for your welfare.

Atty Gabriel Cosh is a legal advocate and a practitioner of law for over 10 years now. He is also an expert in the field of social legislation and personal injury cases.Arabela Blog69345
Cami Blog30282

Muscle-Building Outdoor Activities

This section is devoted to those activities that are mostly devoted to actual building of muscle and require more strength than the ones previously listed. Its fool-hearty to believe that none of these activities cross over, because they all do to some extent. However, there are some activities, such as rock climbing that, while the heights and danger might stimulate the heart more than actual repetitive muscle exhaustion, its a much more strength-based activity.


A challenge to your senses, all manner of adventure sports are a fresh approach to fitness and an excellent way to cross-train your body into ultimate fitness. But don't let the term "adventure" frighten you. Rock climbing may adventurous, but when calculatedly learned and practiced, it can be something that is far more beneficial to the whole musculoskeletal system than it is perilous. Its greatest benefit is the strengthening and conditioning of the entire body, with an emphasis on upper body power.

Without a doubt, rock climbing emphasizes coordination and strength. The two, in fact, are highly interdependent. Upper body strength is key here, but having an overall balance of strength is a plus. Conditioning is something is that required in addition to performing and practicing movements on a regular basis. This, too, is interdependent for the actual ability to climb at all, let alone enjoy climbing or setting goals in the outdoors. So what does that mean? A rock climbing gym is really the only place to start in a sane and safe manner. This isnt a sport to be undertaken lightly. Unlike hopping onto a mountain bike or donning a pair of running shoes and hitting the local track, rock climbing requires a ton of skill, and practice. It is a synergy of many different attributes and abilities put together to compile a total picture of capability, strength, balance and calculated mental and physical agility.

Have we scared you off yet? Dont be scared. A rock climbing gym is a great place to enjoy the sport, and acquire skills that, even if you never venture out on to an actual rock, youll be able to benefit from. Though, why wouldnt you want to test your skills under a blazing 80 degrees, and enjoy the elements and freedom of climbing against a backdrop of the great outdoors?

Rock climbing works just about every muscle in the upper body (pectorals, deltoids, forearms, biceps, triceps, rectus abdominus, serratus, intercostals, latissimus dorsi, spinal erectors and teres major) as well as a few in the lower body (hip flexors, trocanter, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves). It is probably the single most demanding total body engagement one can find in any strength-based activity.

Indoor climbing gyms have popped up all over the countryeither as a part of a larger gym or as a separate entity that offers nothing but climbing to its members. Classes are necessary as its a skill that is impossible to pick up by osmosis!

Cost of classes and/or gym membership:

For a gym like Golds Gym in Portland,OR where rock climbing comes as part of a total body package, (CALL 503-222-1210) you can get in on one of their specials and pay as little as $299 a year at certain times. Rock climbing isnt taken as seriously as in a climbers-only gym, but its affordable and is a great way to get your feet wet in the sport to see if you like it. For a rock climbing only gym like Dyno-Rock Indoor Climbing Gym in Arlington, TX you pay a monthly fee ($45) and then pay a class fee for instruction ($10) and a rental fee for equipment ($6 for harness, carabener, shoes, and chalk bag).

Buying your own gear:

For a simple gym kit (harness, belay, carabener), without shoes, you can pay between $75-$120 for your own gear. Shoes are about $60-$120. If youre going outside, expect to pay a lot more for all the gear you need because, lets face it, it has to be good!


You can rock climb indoors and out. You have the ability to be completely safe indoors or take more chances outdoors, depending upon what you want. Youll feel more free as a human being than you ever have. You can choose this over standard strength training any day you are working upper body if you join a combined gym.

Greatest peril:

Falling and overuse injuries to hands, fingers, wrists, shoulders and neck


It takes a long time to become proficient at this sport, and it isnt cheap!


Build unbelievable strength in your upper body and have a sense of agility unmatched by any other sport. Your mental acuity will soar. Your concept of fear as you currently know it, will be short-listed.

Best places to Rock Climb:

Ready to grip it and rip it like the big boys? Of Gateways Top10 Best Places to Rock Climb, the top nine are located in South Africa. Number one? The steep sandstone faces on Table Mountain in the Peninsula Mountain Chain in South Africa. Here in the U.S.? Californias Yosemite National Park or Tuolumne Meadows in Californias High Sierras.


This is one of those cross-over sports that requires both strength and endurance. However, we put it into our strength category because of the amount of upper body muscle it requires in order to engage in it.

Kayaking can be done on a lake, river, or in the ocean. If you dont have access to one of these, it likely isnt a good choice for you. However, with the diversity of land and many natural bodies of water found in the U.S., it would be hard to believe that there isnt a body of water someplace near your home to provide you with recreational and fitness opportunities.

In fact, the sport of kayaking is growing in popularity so much that the price of kayaks have absolutely gone through the roof! An entry-level inflatable kayak starts in the neighborhood of about $250. You can find them at Costco in the late spring and early summer or at a sporting goods store. They only go up from there. $699-$999 buys you a single-man kayak built for recreational paddling of all skill levels, either an ocean or fresh water model. The greater the stability and lighter weight the materials, the more expensive it gets. $1000 and upward buys a serious kayak for higher ability level and more competitive conditions. When we say upwards, we were shocked to find that kayaks can actually sell for $10Gs! Yeah, the price of a pretty flashy speed boat, complete with motor and leather seats. (Drool).

But the truth is, while kayaking can be expensive, it doesnt have to be. Nor does it have to happen in Class IV rapids to be beneficial to your strength and endurance levels. Its a great upper body workout for anyone. For fitness purposes, kayaking is actually better suited to still water, such as is found on lakes. Rivers provide their own challenges, and certainly, it requires strength, endurance and calculated choices in order to navigate successfully and safely. However, if youre purely into the enjoyment of being out on the water and getting your strength needs met, kayaking is a great way to do it!

Equipment needed:

A kayak of some kind, a cart with wheels to get it from car to water, plus an oar, swim gear and a change of clothes, as well as a floatation device/ life preserver

Muscles worked: Latissimus dorsi, lower pecs, deltoids, serratus, intercostals, obliques, biceps and triceps


Can be a great way to get out of the gym and burn calories along with building upper body strength. Calms the mind, and is a great way to fish and view wildlife.


Kayaks are bulky and require roof racks. They can be quite heavy, depending upon the model, and require two people to lift and carry them. You can only kayak year round if you live in a place where the water doesnt freeze over in winter.


A great fitness tool, they can develop the back and shoulders like nothing else. There are no limitations to when you can kayakits a great summer activity in the early morning, heat of the day or at twilight

Best places to see the world from a Kayak:

Alaska, Hawaii and the South Pacific., OR


Obstacle Course Racing & Fitness Boot Camps

If you live near an army base, you may have seen the obstacle courses that armed forces must train on to prove that they can sufficiently persevere in combat out in the field. Cargo nets, body hurdles, tire tracks, rope grids, walls, beams and bars, etc. are all a part of these courses. In fact, if you follow womens fitness, you probably know that competitions such as the Galaxy or Tri-Fitness competitions, require that a woman compete on a course just like that in order to test her physical fitness in addition to her aesthetic appeal. Trust us, these arent your average T&A shows! While these girls may look like cute little Hooters honeys, theyre actually fitness gorillas capable of serious ass-kicking.

This interest in military type training emerged several years ago and its become a full-blown industry unto itself. The only problem is, there arent a lot of obstacle courses available and open to the civilian public. So serious course runners have begun to build their own courses in their own back yards. Lets face it, climbing a wall with just your own two feet and a hemp rope isnt exactly for the mild mannered.

To quench the appetites of those interested in learning how to pursue this kind of serious fitness, many camps have sprung up to give weekend warriors their fix on hardcore fitness. These camps include work on an actual obstacle course, along with personalized Youre scum soldier kind of ear-barking that would leave even the most Semper-Fied individual shaking in his mothers army boots.

The great thing that comes out of this is a kind of physical culture and training regime is a work ethic that most people can take back into the gym with them, and get much better results. At these camps, such as outdoor fitness boot camp Camp Technique in Los Angeles, weekend inductees (maggots?) engage in everything from super circuit training, to advanced stretching techniques, to weighted ball training, to weak point training in order to realize that what they originally thought was a hard training session was more like wetting the bed in their sleep!

Obstacle Coursing can compliment any training routine and satisfy a number of training goals, if not compliment what youre currently doing. Its an excellent all around type of strength, endurance and agility training tool. It also has the power to transform the body into a sleek, fit machine in under 6 months, provided you follow a good diet in addition. But its not for the weak of heart. Its best that you use obstacle course work, or super-circuit type training for a compliment to an already strong physical fitness program.

Attending a camp is just a great way to get started.

Cost of camp:

$150 per person/ per day or packages of $500 for a week

Cost of Use of Course:

If youre lucky enough to have one in the area that you can run. Use of it can be as cheap as $5 a time. (Kissimmee, FL, Orlando, FL, Venice, CA, and locations in Ohio and Texas, as well as several others springing up in a town near you).

Cost of Building own course:

$500 for a simple set of old tires, a cargo net and a few over-under hurdles, to $5000 for a complete course on acreage, complete with wall, bars sunk into a permanent foundation and rope grids.

Muscles worked:


Equipment needed:

Clothing you can move in, water, gloves with tacky grip, good athletic shoes with cushion for concussion, ball cap, visor or sunglasses


Can get you into shape like nothing else. A true combination of strength and cardio in one. Can really cut down time in the gym once youre fit enough to go


Not a lot of obstacle courses are available to civilians; youll have to build your own unless you live in a few select places where obstacle courses and civilian fitness go hand in hand.


You can transform your body in a short time, your strength will increase by 20%, on average, within the first 1-2 months. You can count it as a full body workout, or upper body workout, and skip the gym that day. It will push you past any result you could get in the gym within the same time frame.

Best Fitness Camp:

Platoon Fitness ( with classes and camps in Philadelphia, NYC, Boston, Jersey, and now in Europe, in the U.K.

Cant Attend a Camp?:

Pick up Andrew Flechs book The Official Five Star Fitness Boot Camp Workout

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively for, a leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and alternatives to Steroids. For more information, please Blog75833
Anny Blog84185

Debt Solution Methods

Regardless of how bad a consumers debt is, they have a handful of options in order to reach their ultimate goal, a debt free life. To be released from your debt, you will have to consider two important aspects, the amount of debt and the type of debt in order to carefully sketch out your plan the best way that will best suit you.

To receive professional free counseling, simply fill out our form and we will help you choose the most appropriate option to become debt free in the shortest amount of time.

The following are several ways to achieve debt solution:

* Self Repayment Plan
* Debt Settlement
* Debt Consolidation
* Debt Consolidation Loan
* Credit Counseling
* Credit Union
* Home Equity Loans
* Insurance
* Credit Cards
* Bankruptcy (leave it as last resort)

Self Repayment Plan

Starting this type of plan will need a lot of control from the debtor and also a great ability to restrain yourself from any unnecessary expenses. Budgeting is going to be a very important tool during this process, because it will allow you to control your expenses.

This plan will let you do everything on your own without the help of a consolidation program. You can also set an automatic payment with your bank so that you are obligated to pay.

Debt Settlement

Through out this process, a debt settlement agency negotiates with your creditors with the purpose of reducing your debt for as much as 60% to 70%. Always remember to ask for their fees policies, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Debt Consolidation

Within this process, you will need professional counseling. In debt consolidation, all of your debts get consolidated into a single amount. Following this, a counselor negotiates with your creditors in order to reduce your debt by 40% to 50% as well as your interest rates.

Debt Consolidation Loan

This method allows you to combine all of your debt into one loan account. The main objective is to reduce the monthly installments by reducing the interest rates or extending the payment time period.

Credit Counseling

Credit counseling agencies work with payment plans that have the lowest interest rates possible. All of your payments go to an agency which in turn pays all of your creditors. Following this kind of plan, will help you become debt free in 4 to 5 years.

Credit Union

Almost all credit unions have very low interest rates for loans. You can find out more information on all requirements needed in order to apply for membership where you are currently working.

Home Equity Loans

This type of loan allows people to borrow money against the value of their houses. Most of these loans offer low interest rates and short payment periods.


Although it is not very common, you can borrow money from your life insurance policy at a very low interest rate with the intention of fixing your debt problem. You will not have to repay this loan. All benefits will be reduced, but that will be all.

Credit Cards

The usage of credit cards can bring about some benefits. One positive aspect is that it gets you lower interest rates on a loan and a useful credit rating that will surely give you advantages among others. With low interest rates on a consolidated loan, you can set up a comfortable payment plan that will lead you to be debt free.


Here, we present you the last option that anybody should take into account, bankruptcy. People are not aware of the consequences that this method brings forth. Bankruptcy generates a harmful impact on your credit report for the following ten (10) years. For instance, your capacity of getting a new loan for almost anything will be null.

Following any of the methods explained above will surely lead towards a debt free life.

Check these links to learn more:

James Banks is a contributing writer to and is currently writing some special articles to guide business on how to manage debt and avoid bankruptcy.Annabal Blog60377
Ailee Blog45711

Lose Weight While You Watch TV & Get Maximum Benefits From Using A Spin Bike

Spinning is a term for indoor, stationary cycling. Spin bikes have fixed racing handlebars, pedals with shoes straps so that you don't slip, adjustable bike seat and adjustable handle bar crank.

This is great, because it's important that you are sitting in the right position depending on your height for maximum comfort and results. The intensity of your spinning workout session on the spin bike can be adjusted with either a resistance knob or gear lever. Depending on the type of spin bike you're looking at, some of the higher quality spin bikes come with a gear lever which offers up to 8 gear changes for harder workouts.

While spinning classes are very popular, more and more people are buying spin bikes for home use as time restraints, and hectic lifestyles make it very difficult to get to scheduled spinning classes on time.

While a typical spinning bike class lasts for up to 40 minutes, every minute working out on your spin bike does count! Remember...your muscles can't count time so if you've only got 12 or 5 or 17 minutes....go for a spin on your exercise bike! It will still make a difference! Like all exercise programs, start out with a warm up and gradually build up speed and resistance as your fitness levels increase!

People of all ages and fitness levels can enjoy spinning on the spin bike and because the impact is so low, if you're after an exercise program that doesn't add stress to the joints, but still want to burn maximum calories, then a spinning exercise program may be what you're after!

A spinning exercise routine using your spin bike will work out a few different muscles groups. These include the quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings (back of the thighs), hips, gluteus maximus (bum), and abdominal muscles. As you can see...your spinning exercise routine can really get great results if you go for it!

Spinning indoors on your spin bike is a perfect way to exercise all year round because you never have to worry about the weather. You can watch TV, read a book or really ramp it up for an intense training session! It all depends on the outcome of your exercise session.

I recommend investing in a pair of proper cycling shorts as after a while you may need the extra padding! For those looking for an exercise that really works your bum, spinning on a spin bike will give you great results here! By the way, make sure you drink plenty of water during your spinning exercise program. Very important!

If you have any ailments, injuries or queries, firstly consult with your personal trainer, a fitness instructor or a physician. Make sure your seat is in the right position and the handlebars have been adjusted to suit you. Your knees should be slightly bent when positioned at the bottom of the stroke pedal. Your elbows should be slightly bent, with your arms a comfortable distance from the handlebars. Keep adjusting them until you've got it right!

Spinning on your spin bike in the comfort of your own home is an excellent, safe and fun way to burn those unwanted kilos while increasing your fitness level. Because you can jump on your spin bike any time of the day (even if it's only for a few minutes), you will see results fast if you keep it up! Mixed with a healthy eating plan, spinning on your spin bike will have you feeling like an athlete in no time at all!

My name's Amanda and I'm one of Australia's leading Personal Trainers, thanks for stopping by and reading my guide. For more information drop by my Spin Bike page and check out what a quality Spin Bike should look like.


My name is Amanda Clarkson and I'm a leading Personal Trainer in Australia. I help people from all over the world with their personal training and specialise in supplying high quality home fitness equipment to the Australian market. My website is and I love interacting with people to help them achieve their health and fitness goals.Alexi Blog64607
Celia Blog44648

How To Change Your Computer's Heat Sink

Everyone really want a fast hot computer when we want to do some business computing and when we want to play those high speed games.But we don't want a fast and Hot computer in the literal sense.

Heat will destroy any computer component if not removed in time.And the CPU Chip is one of the main components of your system that produces heat.

The heat sink has the all important task of keeping the CPU Chip cool so it does not overheat.And there may be times when the heat sink will fail to perform its job and must be changed.

Changing the heat sink on your central processing unit or CPU chip is a simple job.And the best part is that you only need a small screwdriver,cotton swabs,and some rubbing alcohol.

To change the heat sink remember to think safety first.This means that you want to be sure you have clean hands,a clean work place,and removing all static charge from your body by touching a door knob or any other metal object.

Once you have a suitable work area and clean hands you should now have a clean suitable mind as well. Allow this task to be both educational and fun.To change the heat sink perform the following.

Step 1.Unplug the computer and remove the cover from the System Unit case.

Step 2. Find the CPU Chip and the heat sink will be on top.Find the wires that go to the motherboard and very carefully unplug them.

Step 3. Remove the old heat sink and cooling fan assembly.Most Pentium based computers will have two levers that lock the heat sink in place.

On older Pentium computers,the AMD Athlon and the Duron processor,look for a ZIF or Zero Insertion Force socket where the processor is mounted.

Gently release the clips by sliding a very small screwdriver blade underneath it and lift the heat sink off the CPU.Take great care here do you don't damage the cpu chip in any way.

Step 4. Once the old heat sink has been removed, clean away the old thermal paste using cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol.Allow time for the CPU to dry.

Step 5. Grab some thermal paste and squeeze a little onto the top of the CPU.Only place enough to have a thin layer between the CPU and Heat Sink.

Step 6. Before installing the new heat sink, clean the bottom off with some warm, soapy water. Check to be sure the Heat Sink is dry before installing it.

Step 7. Carefully line it up over the ZIF socket and processor if so equipped.If the computer have the newer Pentium or Athlon based chip,lock the two clips holding the assembly.

Step 8. With the CPU and heat sink firmly in place, now its time to re-connect the fan wires for the cooling fan.Plug the assembly into the motherboard.

Step 9. Check,double check,and after that,check some more to be sure all connections are in place.See if the heat sink assembly is well secured in its socket.

Step 10. Now replace the system unit cover,plug any peripherals you disconnected.Start the PC and the computer should now realize it has a new device in its system.

Once the computer has been booted up,check to be sure the Operating System is working.If possible, look at rear of the computer to see if the fan is operating as it should.

The Central Processing Unit is not the only heat producing component in your computer.But since its the brains of any computer,you want to be sure the heat sink performs at its best.

Take the time to learn this procedure in detail by removing the case and looking at the heat sink in your own computer.Knowing how to perform this task can save you money should you need to change your heat sink in the future.

Otis F. Cooper is the author of the award winning PC Super Pack,the Computer Training By Video course. For hundreds more free PC repair tips,sign up for his bi-monthly newsletter and learn the PC free at http://www.ultimatepcrepair.comBriana Blog55749
Benedikta Blog89376

Ten Important People Of The Twentieth Century

Have you ever wondered who made the top one hundred important people in the twentieth century? What made them famous? How did they do it? Youll learn about ten luminaries that are listed in Time Magazines Most Important People of the Century. The Time 100 list comprises one hundred important people from such categories as: leaders & revolutionaries, artists & entertainers, builders & titans, scientists & thinkers, and heroes & icons. Those mentioned here are in chronological order, based on the year they became famous.

Dr. Albert Einstein: German. In 1905 he was well known for his contributions to quantum physics and the theory of relativity. With just a pen and paper, he peeked farther behind Nature's curtain than anyone had since Newton then spent the rest of his years living it down. Now, when we think of genius, we see his face.

Henry Ford: American. In 1908 he was praised for the first mass-produced automobile, the Model T. He produced an affordable car, paid high wages and helped create a middle class. Not bad for an autocrat.

Sir Winston Churchill: English. In 1944 he exalted in the success of the D-day invasion. The master statesman stood alone against fascism and renewed the world's faith in the superiority of democracy. Without a doubt one of the worlds most important people.

Este Lauder: American. In 1948 she began her billion-dollar cosmetics empire. She transformed beauty into big business by cultivating classy sales methods and giving away samples.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Albanian. In 1952 she was founder of the Missionaries of Charity in India. In fighting for the dignity of the destitute in a foreign land, she gave the world a moral example that bridged divides of culture, class and religion.

Lucille Ball: American. In 1952 the first lady of comedy brought us laughter as well as emotional truth. No wonder everybody loved Lucy.

Muhammad Ali aka Cassius Clay, Jr.: American. In 1960 he was celebrated for winning a gold medal at the Rome Olympics, and in 1967 as the greatest boxing heavyweight champion of all time. Floating, stinging, punching, prophesying, he transformed his sport and became the world's most adored athlete.

Rachel Carson: American. In 1962 she was an acclaimed zoologist and marine biologist. Before there was an environmental movement, there was one brave woman and her very brave book. Silent Spring, serialized in the New Yorker, gored corporate oxen all over the country.

The Beatles: English. In 1964 they were renowned for the film A Hard Days Night and in 1967 the Sgt. Pepper era. Irrepressible and irresistible, they were and remain the world's most astonishing rock-'n'-roll band.

Margaret Thatcher: English. In 1979 she was known as the Iron Lady or simply Maggie. She was British Prime Minister for eleven years. Champion of free minds and markets, she helped topple the welfare state and make the world safer for capitalism.

Naturally your choice of which celebrities were more important than others will no doubt be different but as you can see, this gives you a brief summary of some of the best. Now at least you wont be stumped when youre asked if youve heard of these important people.

Keith Valentine began his interest in leaders, artists, builders, scientists and icons, at seventeen. Now 52, he has written several articles about renowned individuals. For more interesting stories about famous celebrities, please visit the Important People Site at: http://101-people.blogspot.comBerrie Blog60896
Almire Blog25954

If Money Matters

True enough, a wedding is the most difficult event to plan and prepare for. And it gets even more challenging if the budget is tight. But don't fret, we have come up with some tips to help you stay on track money-wise.

1. Limit your invites to the most important people in your life. Less guests less expenses.

2. The venue eats up a huge percentage of the budget so be wise and practical when selecting your venue. If possible, have both the ceremony and the reception in one place to minimize your cost.

3. Resist the urge to pick foods that are costly i.e. lobsters, steaks. You can still impress your guests with less expensive food.

4. Keep your invitation simple. If you have the time or extra helping hands, you may even want to consider making the invitation yourself. You can get wedding invitation kits from wedding supply stores or even your local craft store.

5. When decorating the venue, keep the use of flowers to a minimum. They are costly. Use candles (they go a long way when it comes to giving life to a venue), tulles and ribbons as substitutes.

6. While it is nice to be entertained by a live band, recorded music will do just fine.

7. Forget about hiring an emcee. Ask a family member or a friend to emcee instead.

8. Ask yourself if you really want your wedding on a film. Will you spend some time after the wedding to watch it? Or will the video end up in your grandmother's chest in the attic?

9. Opt for a less extravagant cake. Get a 2-tiered cake instead of a 4- or 3-tiered cake. Another option is mini cakes arranged in a layered cake rack.

10. Limit the champagne to the toast. Instead of wine, serve less expensive drinks.

11. Forget about hiring a wedding planner. You can still get the job done with the help of family members and friends.

12. Instead of hiring a limousine, look for alternative means of transport i.e. a friend's Bentley, your fathers Mercedes.

13. Always haggle for a lower price with the vendors. Since they expect some negotiations to happen, they would most often give a quote that is higher than what they are willing to accept.

Johanna Docena is the owner of Docena Bridal, an online wedding store that sells bridal jewelry, wedding attendant gifts and wedding accessories. Visit us at Blog99555
Cathyleen Blog31233

Wooden Window Shutters-Exploring the Various Types of Wood

One of the most important facets of your wooden shutters is the wood that they are made from. Basswood is the favorite for interior wooden shutters. This tree averages a height of around 65 feet and is considered a renewable resource, which means that after the wood is harvested new trees are replanted to replace the wood that is removed.

The grain of basswood is indistinct and it is very straight with a uniform texture. It is easy to work with and has a smooth finish when stained.

Shutters made of this wood are lightweight, but very strong. They hold up well to the wear and tear of inside use and keep from warping. This wood is great for interior shutters because of all of these wonderful benefits.


Wooden shutters made from oak are very heavy and strong. They will take special care in installation because of their heaviness, including predrilling. They are not one of the best choices for shutters because they are easy to warp and do not take paint well.


Maple shutters will be heavy also. They will also take installation care and attention. The louvers on maple shutters may be hard to keep uniform.


If you want shutters that are easy to work with, then you may want to choose poplar shutters. They are not good for staining because of their green color, but are great if you are planning on painting them. They are not very expensive when compared to other shutter types, but they are also considered inferior.


Cedar wood cuts well and has a wonderful finish to it. Cedar is not a great choice for indoor applications, however, because it scratches and dents comparatively easily, but for outside uses it is great. It is very durable and has an amazing resistance to bugs, weather, and other dangers.


The small alder tree is a good wood for your indoor shutters. A downside, however, is that if you have a very tall window your shutters will need to have finger joints instead of being one continuous piece of wood.


Pine wood is very soft and comes in several varieties and grades.

The wood choice is an important facet of wood shutters, but you also need to understand that there are inferior constructed shutters made of a good wood, too. This still makes them of low quality. It is important that you learn more about shutter construction and the different woods so that you will make a decision that you will be satisfied with. Requesting a sample will help you to determine if a particular shutter type is right for you.

Charles Amith is a successful Webmaster and publisher of where he provides informative content on window treatments, as well as more information on wooden windows shutters.Cathy Blog67057
Antonella Blog93031

Norfolk A Beautiful Holiday Destination

Norfolk is acclaimed as one of the UKs most beautiful areas, and it has always been a popular destination for visitors. With its mix of lovely coastline, unique fenland and ancient heritage, theres plenty to do and see, no matter how long youre staying.

Norwich Cathedral

Norwich is the largest town in Norfolk and it is famous for its beautiful Cathedral, which is more than 900 years old. It has the second tallest spire in England, and the largest monastic cloisters. It is free to visit and open every day of the year for worship as well as for general visitors. Set in the middle of the city, it is an oasis of peace and tranquillity.

Extreeme Adventure

Looking for something different to do with your day? Extreeme Adventure is a high ropes course set in Wesaenham Woods. With swings and jumps at 20ft and 40ft and a 1,000 ft long zip wire, adults and children over 10 are sure to enjoy a thrilling day.

The Norfolk Broads

You can explore the renowned Norfolk Broads either by hiring a boat for the day, or taking a guided boat trip. There are many reputable boating companies with boats for hire, or which operate a boat trip and this is one of the best ways to view the landscape and the wildlife of this area.

Sheringham Park

Sheringham Park is a large landscaped park, which is famous for its azaleas and rhododendrons, which flower from May to June. There are a number of marked walks around the park, and viewing towers offer fantastic views of the inland landscape as well as the stunning coastline.

Sandringham Park

Still the country retreat of the present Queen and her family, Sandringham Park was originally built by The Prince and Princess of Wales in 1870. The ground floor rooms are open to the public and display a wonderful collection of art and objects dart. There is also a tearoom, large visitor centre and access to the 600 acre country park.

Banham Zoo

Set in 35 acres, Banham Zoo is a fantastic collection of almost 1000 animals. Designed so that children can enjoy learning about and interacting with the animals, there are feeding talks and displays, a free Safari roadtrain and an adventure play area.

These are just some of the attractions that Norfolk has to offer. To find out more, plan your next UK holiday with Norfolk in mind.

Sherwood Caravans has been hiring static caravans to holiday makers coming to Norfolk for over 40 years. To find out more, visit our website by clicking on Blog42957
Adrea Blog59043

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